Friday, May 22, 2020

Washington and Dubois - 662 Words

| 1.4.5 Practice: Washington and DuBois | Practice Assignment | | | | | U.S. History Sem 2 (S3346986) | Garibalde Nunez | | | Points possible: 30 | Date: ______4/22/16______ | | Your Assignment 1. Charts like this one are a great way to compare and contrast. Use this chart to list the strategies of Booker T. Washington (that he did not share with Du Bois) on one side, the strategies of W. E. B. Du Bois (that he did not share with Washington) on the other, and the strategies they had in common in the middle. You may have to infer what they had in common. Booker T. Washingtons Strategies | Shared Strategies | W. E. B. Du Boiss Strategies | * He wanted blacks to be educated so they can take control of their†¦show more content†¦Finish with your conclusion. In the late 19th and 20th century, African Americans were going through hardships. At this period of time, they wanted improvement and wanted to be treated equality but no one had the political background to fight with the Whites. However, two great leaders named Booker Washington and W.E.B Du Bois took the stance and fought for improvement. But, even though they had the goals, they had different strategies for the community. To begin with, despite their different strategies their goals led to the improvement for African Americans. Both Booker and W.E.B wanted a better life for African Americans. Also, both fought with the strategy of using evidence to prove that blacks need improvement. Their main focus was on the economic and industrial crisis. Overall, both of their goals aimed to better the black community. Furthermore, Booker T. Washington did not share strategies with Du Bois on one side, and the strategies of W. E. B. Du Bois did not share with Washington. Booker mostly foc used on education and wanted African Americans to fight for what they’re worth, to work hard and become someone important in the community. On the other hand, Washington fought for equality. He wanted the White Americans to respect the blacks. His point view was that the community should be led by the most talented. Basically, he wanted blacks andShow MoreRelatedWashington, Dubois, And Douglas1513 Words   |  7 PagesIsaias Salgado Mr. Siso February 11, 2016 Paragraph: Washington, DuBois, and Douglas What was Washington urging African Americans to do? What was he urging white Americans to do? Washington s plea for people to cast down buckets where you are How does this relate to his view of his new era? Booker T Washington was a social activist who advocated for increased rights of African Americans in the South. In Booker T Washington s speech he was urging African Americans to have patience with WhiteRead MoreDuBois and Washington on Education Essays1113 Words   |  5 PagesDuBois and Washington on Education Over 100 years ago W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington began a debate over strategies for black social and economic progress, which is still prevalent today. 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