Tuesday, August 25, 2020

King Lear Essays - King Lear, Cordelia, Goneril, Fool, Edmund, Regan

Ruler Lear Essays - King Lear, Cordelia, Goneril, Fool, Edmund, Regan Ruler Lear Ruler Lear Students of history as once huge mob have established that Shakespeare was without a doubt not the first to think of the general plot lines contained in King Lear. In spite of the fact that the play rotates for the most part around the contention between the King and his little girls, there is an unequivocal and particular sub-plot managing the situation and disaster of Gloucester also. The play (the two stories truly) has starting points in a wide range of sixteenth century works, with almost all the appropriate realities, for example, the name of the King, the three girls, their spouses, the appropriate responses of the three little girls when Lear requests that they declare their affection, Cordelia's following disfavor, and the mercilessness of the two dukes and duchesses to the King contained in Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles. (Parts five and seven of the Second Book of the History of England, second ed., 1587) Shakespeare is likewise accepted to have acquired, essentially less notwithstanding, from a play that was entered in the Stationer's Register, 14! May 1594, called, The moste renowned Chronicle historye of Leire kinge of England and his Three Girls. This piece was viewed as very un-Shakespearian and untragical, and was entered along these lines on the Stationer's Register as The Tragecall historie of Kinge Leir and his Three Daughters, as it was latelie acted. Quite a bit of Shakespeare's record of the Gloucester story was obtained from Sir Philip Sydney's Arcadia, 1590. Regarding the Gloucester-Edmund-Edgar plot, we can discover numerous likenesses in the second book of Arcadia, part ten, in an account called, The pitifull state, and story of the Paphlagonian harsh ruler, and his benevolent child, first related by the child, at that point by the visually impaired dad. The fundamental distinction here, obviously, is that Shakespeare has entwined this plot with the situation of Lear and his three girls. There are numerous contrasts between these writings and the Shakespearian variant of King Lear. None of these previous works had the mark character of the Fool, and Shakespeare imaginatively changed what was referred to before as an, exaggerated story with a 'glad completion', into a gnawing and, to the exclusion of everything else, pitiful story of the connection among guardians and their youngsters. One of the principle topics that Shakespeare decides to concentrate on in King Lear is the useless nature of the imperial family and Gloucester, however the anguish and passionate strain that comes with being a parent and settling on a choice that will isolate your youngsters. This play centers around not just the eventual outcomes of this choice, however the manner by which it influences the King, his youngsters and his subjects too. A solid case can be made for King Lear as Shakespeare's most deplorable exertion of his vocation. The truth that almost the whole cast of this play either is killed or bites the dust with practically zero recovery makes the most grounded case for this. In about each other Shakespearian work, spare maybe Othello, probably some of the characters appreciate a touch of recovery or salvation with the goals of the contention. Lord Lear's characters are conscious of neither of these. The sharpness, bitterness, and truth of the human mind that is contained all through this work show its sad nature best, in any case. The tie genuinely and truly between a dad and a girl (or child, according to the Gloucester/Edmund/Edgar plot) is something completely not the same as spouse wife or sweetheart in a significant number of Shakespeares different plays. In the earliest reference point of the play, when Lear is stupidly splitting his realm between his three girls, and after he has asked Cordelia's two more established sisters what they think of him, he goes to her and poses a similar inquiry. Her answer shows the genuine idea of her character, as she says, Despondent that I am, I can't hurl my heart into my mouth. I love Your Majesty as per my bond, no more, nor less. (1.1, ll. 91-93) His words could nearly be viewed as compromising by announcing that her reluctance to communicate her adoration in words may, damage her fortunes. We are aware of complete foretelling with Cordelia's answer of, Acceptable my ruler, you have sired me, reproduced me, adored me. I return those obligations back to you as are correct

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Model Arch Bridge and tha Design Improvement Essay - 2

Model Arch Bridge and tha Design Improvement - Essay Example Scaffolds are intended to withstand both live and dead loads. Dead loads will be loads that don't change, for example, the structure’s weight. These incorporate the walkways, deck, railings, and the solid or steel load-conveying individuals. Dead loads represent the impressive and noteworthy level of worry in load conveying individuals. The subsequent burden, live burden, changes; the change can be because of diminished or expanded person on foot and traffic stacking. When planning an extension, wellbeing and quality of the structure are the most significant contemplations. The shape and in general plan of the scaffold were chosen by the gathering. The state of the extension was outlined to full measure on a white bit of paper. The sketch was utilized in to manage the popsicle sticks as appeared in figure 2. The last advance was to stick popsicle sticks on light emissions deck so as to think of an extension deck. The last structure is appeared in figure 4. The entire methodology was carried on the first and second last structures. The principal connect weighed 193.6 grams while the subsequent one was 245.1 grams. The main extension upheld a most extreme heap of 6,613 grams, accumulated at mid-length, while the second was 21, 818 grams. The heaps to weight proportion of the first and second extension were 34.2 and 89.0 separately. Curve increment dependability as it gives protection from the powers that demonstration in the bowing of the scaffold. The weight is diverted from individuals to parts of the bargains by curves; henceforth powers are equally appropriated for the better structure as appeared in figure 5. The subsequent scaffold was fortified in zones that heaps were concentrated, that is at projections and burden focuses. The subsequent scaffold was likewise strengthened to expand their quality triangular shapes were utilized in keeping square shapes from inclining. A top parallel supporting was utilized in the anticipation of clasping sideways during stacking because of pressure individuals like the top harmony.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

How to Reduce Your Avoidance Behaviors

How to Reduce Your Avoidance Behaviors Panic Disorder Coping Print How to Reduce Your Panic-Related Avoidance Behaviors Avoidance Only Increases Anxiety By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Updated on June 25, 2019 undefined / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions Avoidance behaviors are any actions a person takes to escape from difficult thoughts and feelings. These behaviors can occur in many different ways and may include actions that a person does or does not do. People with panic disorder often take on avoidance behaviors to sidestep fearful thoughts, feelings of dread, and overall anxiety-related symptoms. As a person dealing with panic and anxiety, you may already be familiar with acting out of avoidance. These behaviors can have a negative impact on many aspects of your life, including your career, relationships, and personal interests or hobbies. You may find yourself avoiding job opportunities, social events, and even friendships in an attempt to keep your anxiety at bay. Effects of Avoidance Behaviors Aside from restricting your life, avoidance behaviors often have the opposite effect than what is desired. While in the short run you may experience a temporary sense of relief, in the long run, avoidance actually leads to increased anxiety. When avoiding places, people, and events, the panic sufferer is really trying to get away from her feelings of anxiety. However, every time she escapes these anxiety-inducing thoughts and feelings, she is actually reinforcing them. She is sending the message to herself that the world is a dangerous place. In the end, she may become increasingly afraid of more and more stimuli, allowing for the ?cycle of anxiety to intensify. Why Avoidance Coping Creates Additional Stress People who live with avoidance are often depriving themselves of many experiences, adventures, and connections. Panic-related avoidance behaviors may be preventing you from living your life to the fullest. Read ahead for some tips on how to reduce your anxiety-related avoidance behaviors. Recognize When It’s Happening In order to change any maladaptive behavior, you must first start becoming aware of when it’s occurring. At the end of each day, stop and reflect on how you engaged in avoidance behaviors throughout your day. Write down any that stand out. You may have noticed how you did this in small ways. For example, perhaps you stayed away from a co-worker because you felt anxious about talking with him. Once you start to consistently track your actions, you may be surprised to find out that you are participating in more avoidance behaviors than you previously thought.   You may also notice big ways in which you engaged in avoidance, such as taking a different route to work to avoid highway driving because it makes you feel anxious. Only by making an effort to notice these actions will you be ready to change them. Finding Trust and Support The key to overcoming avoidance behaviors is to continue to slowly face what you are avoiding until it no longer has such a grip on you. Of course, doing so is far  easier said than done. That is why it is recommended that you don’t face previously avoided situations alone, but rather engage in them with a trusted friend or family member by your side. Let your friend know that the situation you are stepping into is usually a source of anxiety. Have a backup plan ready should things go sideways. For example, is attending a large social event that you would normally avoid, talk beforehand about what you’ll need if you feel uncomfortable. Prepare your loved one to give you space if you should want a few minutes alone to manage your anxiety. Perhaps you will forewarn her that you will need to leave if symptoms become unmanageable. Regardless of your plan, make sure your loved one is aware of it so that she will know what to expect should your anxiety arise. Explaining Your Panic Disorder to Friends and Family It is important to note that you never should rely on one person to buffer your feelings of anxiety at all times. By doing so, you may accidentally create a shift in avoidance where you become overly dependent on this person. Eventually, you will want to step into the previously avoidances alone. Your loved one may still be supporting you from a distance, but it is only when you move forward alone that you can truly overcome your avoidance behaviors. Develop Ways to Cope With Your Anxiety Your avoidance behaviors revolve around not wanting to experience anxiety or other symptoms of panic disorder. The most effective way to get past this fear is to learn techniques that will help you control your symptoms. Coping skills can help you keep your anxiety in check and may even assist in managing your panic attacks. Such skills can be learned through the help of a therapist or on your own by using self-help books. Some common strategies to aid in coping with anxiety include: Deep breathing exercisesProgressive muscle relaxationAnxiety trackingCognitive restructuring Professional Help Is Available Not every panic disorder sufferer will experience avoidance behaviors, however, many will find that these issues put excessive restrictions on their lives. If you are finding that your avoidance behaviors are unmanageable and out-of-control, it may be time to seek professional help. Getting professional help with your symptoms is by no means a failure on your part. In fact, many people with panic disorder have found that they recover quicker through treatment.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Washington and Dubois - 662 Words

| 1.4.5 Practice: Washington and DuBois | Practice Assignment | | | | | U.S. History Sem 2 (S3346986) | Garibalde Nunez | | | Points possible: 30 | Date: ______4/22/16______ | | Your Assignment 1. Charts like this one are a great way to compare and contrast. Use this chart to list the strategies of Booker T. Washington (that he did not share with Du Bois) on one side, the strategies of W. E. B. Du Bois (that he did not share with Washington) on the other, and the strategies they had in common in the middle. You may have to infer what they had in common. Booker T. Washingtons Strategies | Shared Strategies | W. E. B. Du Boiss Strategies | * He wanted blacks to be educated so they can take control of their†¦show more content†¦Finish with your conclusion. In the late 19th and 20th century, African Americans were going through hardships. At this period of time, they wanted improvement and wanted to be treated equality but no one had the political background to fight with the Whites. However, two great leaders named Booker Washington and W.E.B Du Bois took the stance and fought for improvement. But, even though they had the goals, they had different strategies for the community. To begin with, despite their different strategies their goals led to the improvement for African Americans. Both Booker and W.E.B wanted a better life for African Americans. Also, both fought with the strategy of using evidence to prove that blacks need improvement. Their main focus was on the economic and industrial crisis. Overall, both of their goals aimed to better the black community. Furthermore, Booker T. Washington did not share strategies with Du Bois on one side, and the strategies of W. E. B. Du Bois did not share with Washington. Booker mostly foc used on education and wanted African Americans to fight for what they’re worth, to work hard and become someone important in the community. On the other hand, Washington fought for equality. He wanted the White Americans to respect the blacks. His point view was that the community should be led by the most talented. Basically, he wanted blacks andShow MoreRelatedWashington, Dubois, And Douglas1513 Words   |  7 PagesIsaias Salgado Mr. Siso February 11, 2016 Paragraph: Washington, DuBois, and Douglas What was Washington urging African Americans to do? What was he urging white Americans to do? Washington s plea for people to cast down buckets where you are How does this relate to his view of his new era? Booker T Washington was a social activist who advocated for increased rights of African Americans in the South. In Booker T Washington s speech he was urging African Americans to have patience with WhiteRead MoreDuBois and Washington on Education Essays1113 Words   |  5 PagesDuBois and Washington on Education Over 100 years ago W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington began a debate over strategies for black social and economic progress, which is still prevalent today. 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Washington were two African-American rights activists during the late 1800s and early 1900s. W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington had the same idea for the end result of equality for colored people. However, they had very different approaches to reach their desired results. Booker T. Washington believed it was the right idea to approach his issues in a passive manner. However, W.E.B. DuBois believes that a more aggressive plan is necessaryRead MoreCompare And Contrast Dubois And Washington Speech756 Words   |  4 PagesDuBois and Washington Speech Two amazing African-American leaders that succeed in raising the awareness of the idea of racism that happened during the late 19th century, were; Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois who both delivered a powerful speech; â€Å"Atlanta Exposition Speech† that was delivered on 1895 and â€Å"The Souls of Black Folk† that was delivered on September 1903. Both speeches have deeply affected people. Throughout their speeches, they heavily addressed race relations and social contractRead More Dubois v. Washington Debates Essay1872 Words   |  8 PagesDubois v. Washington Debates The Afro-American Almanac located on Professor Tygiel’s â€Å"Sites of Interest to History Majors† have a copy of Booker T. Washington’s famous â€Å"Atlanta Compromise† speech that he delivered in 1895. Neither before, nor since, has one speech had such a profound effect upon the career of a politician and the people that he sought to represent. Indeed, Washington’s primacy was assured when he in dramatic fashion promised (eye witness accounts have him thrusting hisRead MoreB. Dubois And Booker T. Washington Essay2331 Words   |  10 PagesW.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington The end of the Civil War was followed almost immediately by a new wave that would see the African Americans face great suffering and discrimination. As newly freed slaves, African Americans were presented with a dilemma to either curve a new niche in a society that once viewed and treated them as mere properties than humans. It was during these difficult times that two key figures in the African American History rose as paramount leaders of two sharply contrastingRead MoreGreatness-Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Dubois2413 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"Great people often receive violent opposition from violent minds† Albert Einstein This quote typifies the conditions in which both Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois were challenged with. Not only were they two exemplary examples of African American greatness, but they proved themselves to be two of the greatest leaders of the early twentieth century regardless of race. However, as Aristotle once said â€Å"people fear what they don’t understand, and hate what they can’t conquer† thus steps wereRead MoreBooker T Washington Vs Dubois Essay702 Words   |  3 PagesThe Differences and Similarities Between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois Two men with the same goals but different views on how they should be achieved is exactly how Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois’ controversy should be described as. Their debate revolved around the idea of abolishing slavery as well as paving the way for the modernized Civil Rights Act in America to take place. Washington and DuBois were born in the same time period with the same intentions, yet had different methodsRead MoreJean Booker T. Washington. B. Dubois1358 Words   |  6 PagesMay 2015 W.E.B DuBois One of the late 19th century and early 20th century’s most prominent black empowerment leaders was W.E.B DuBois. In research it is clear that DuBois was not subtle to one job or career choice. As a civil rights activist, educator, sociologist, historian, writer, editor, scholar, and poet, DuBois contributed to changing American society today. DuBois is mostly remember for his work with the NAACP and his notorious feud with civil rights activist Booker T. Washington. Having a strong

Friday, May 8, 2020

Key Competencies and Porters Five Forces Model - 799 Words

LLAGAS, Ariedna ABAYON, Abegail DELOS SANTOS, Christian Mikaella MONSALE, Ma. Beatrice SOLARTE, Rollie TRIÑANES, Angelique Vinn Rose LLAGAS, Ariedna ABAYON, Abegail DELOS SANTOS, Christian Mikaella MONSALE, Ma. Beatrice SOLARTE, Rollie TRIÑANES, Angelique Vinn Rose 2016 Key Competencies and Porter’s Five Forces Model BSBA HRDM 4-1 ENMA 4113 Group 1 2016 Key Competencies and Porter’s Five Forces Model BSBA HRDM 4-1 ENMA 4113 Group 1 I. KEY COMPETENCIES COMMUNICATION * It is a pivotal role to the development of the entrepreneurial society. * Entrepreneur must have the skills in communication to compete with other entrepreneur like getting more investors. Methods of Communication 1†¦show more content†¦Video conferencing requires the use of special video equipment, so you may need to check with your technology department to determine if it is something your company is capable of doing. LEADERSHIP * It is the primary force behind a successful change. Entrepreneurial leadership – a leadership that is based on the attitude that the leader is self-employed. Leaders of this type: * Takes initiative * Demonstrate * Take risk * Take responsibility EXPERIENCE * As an entrepreneur, you must employ all present and previous experience you have into the business you are building. II. PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODEL 1 Barriers to entry in the Business * Power is also affected by the ability of people to enter your market. If it costs little in time or money to enter your market and compete effectively, if there are few economies of scale in place, or if you have little protection for your key technologies, then new competitors can quickly enter your market and weaken your position. If you have strong and durable barriers to entry, then you can preserve a favorable position and take fair advantage of it. 2 Threat from substitute products * This is affected by the ability of your customers to find a different way of doing what you do – for example, if you supply a unique software product that automates an important process, people may substitute by doing the process manually or byShow MoreRelatedEssay on Competing on Resources: Strategy in the 1990s.991 Words   |  4 Pagesto develop a business model framework that helps describe how a company’s resources drive its performance in a dynamic competitive environment. This approach integrates the internal analysis of the company (i.e. core competencies) with the external analysis of the industry and the competitive environment (i.e. Porter’s Five Force Model). The article argues that both analyses are required to accurately assess a company’s competitive position. 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For this reason, Under Armour requires a strategic group model of accomplishment in resemblance to the other leading competitors in the same industry. Key Issues and Assumptions The key to our analysis is essentially focused on Under Armour business strategy as a proficient competitor. As such, we characterize business’s strategy as an action plan for outplaying its existingRead MoreEssay on Southwest Airline Company Overview1413 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferentiation?) Who are the key stakeholders? These questions are indicative – you don’t need to answer every part in detail or to create sub-headings; just provide a short succinct summary; that is the challenge! Draw your information directly from the case PART ONE – EXTERNAL ANALYSIS (600 WORDS) OVERVIEW Briefly state the purpose of the analysis. MACRO – ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Refer to your PESTEL model (appendix?) Discuss the main pointsRead MoreHow Can A Company Measure Its Competitive Advantage?1561 Words   |  7 Pagescompanies that compete in the same industry and core business, such as Sony, Samsung, and Philips in the audiovisual industry, or Nike, adidas, and Puma in the clothing manufacturing industry, should understand the nature of the market and analyze the key factors that differentiate each one from the others. a company gain a competitive advantage in the market if: †¢ A company competes through cost the product offered to the customers should be identical to the competitors at a lower price. †¢ A companyRead MoreHow Can A Company Measure Its Competitive Advantage?1561 Words   |  7 Pagescompanies that compete in the same industry and core business, such as Sony, Samsung, and Philips in the audiovisual industry, or Nike, adidas, and Puma in the clothing manufacturing industry, should understand the nature of the market and analyze the key factors that differentiate each one from the others. A company gains a competitive advantage in the market if: †¢ A company competes through cost the product offered to the customers should be identical to the competitors at a lower price. †¢ A companyRead MoreCompetitive Advantage And Competitive Advantages1627 Words   |  7 Pagesconsolidate the company’s position, innovation becomes crucial. Companies should be in a position to embrace the changes in order to be abreast of the competition and hold its position (Daniela, P ,2014). Apart from innovation, the internal and the external forces along with the knowledge management form the vital factors. For an organization to gain the competitive advantage and sustain it, it has to innovate and globalize the vital factors mentioned. Theories: Let us discuss these factors with theories Read MoreManagement Information Systems1162 Words   |  5 Pagesdoes Porter’s competitive forces model help companies develop competitive strategies using information system? †¢ Define Porter’s competitive forces model and explain how it works. †¢ List and describe four competitive strategies enabled by information system that firms can pursue. †¢ Describe how information system can support each of these competitive strategies and give examples. †¢ Explain why aligning IT with business objectives is essential for strategic use of systems 1. This model providesRead MoreUse Of Industry Structure Analysis And The Resource Based View2699 Words   |  11 PagesResource Based View of the Firm in analysing firm strategy. This essay will set out to compare and contrast two strategic analytical models: Industry Structure Analysis (ISA) and the Resource Based View (RBV). Firstly, it is imperative to define the key terms in the essay title. The term â€Å"compare and contrast† indicates a necessity to both draw out and emphasise the key similarities and differences between the ISA and RBV. At the same time, the term â€Å"firm strategy†, as defined by Chandler (1962), refersRead MoreRothaermel Exercise 1 Essay examples1712 Words   |  7 Pagesfirm’s business model, which details the firm’s competitive tactics and initiatives† (Rothaermel, p. 11). Basically, a strategy will explain how a firm will make money but the difference between a strategy and the business model is the business model explains how the firm intends to make the money AND puts it into action; the strategy just gives the theory. Business models put strategy into action. A strategy focuses on the comp any in relation to its competition and the business model focuses on the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Meaning of a Quote Free Essays

â€Å"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. † Helen Keller Body: As we have known, most people are too attached to the past, to what they are familiar with. Therefore, they will miss opportunities that stand right in front of them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Meaning of a Quote or any similar topic only for you Order Now Doors may close, but there are always other unlimited numbers of doors – new opportunities to get new happiness. Alexander Graham Bell also used to say that: â€Å"When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us†. The world is full of opportunities if we could only see them. Furthermore, not every plan works out. Successful people today must get the cheese in the past. There are losses and failures, problems in relationships, loss of money or job, and sometimes unpleasant things happen that we can not always have control over them. However, we can exercise control over our attention and attitude of these happenings. When one of these things happens, and we focus our attention on the loss – the closed door, we see only a closed door with the resultant frustration and unhappiness, but if we could only move our sight and attention away from the closed door, we might be surprised to discover a row of openning new doors. To sum up, I just want to say: Do not try to look at your back, look at the things stand in front of you and shoot your bolt to strike while the iron is hot. That is the necessary thing you must do after the failure. How to cite The Meaning of a Quote, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sex, Lies and Conversation Why is it so Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other Essay Example

Sex, Lies and Conversation: Why is it so Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other Paper From the beginning of history of humankind gender differences have been one of the most fascinating topics for the philosophers, and scientists. Tons of books were written on this topic, and thousands of movies were filmed, but still, the secret of the relationship between men and women hasnt been revealed. The only thing that all of those books, articles, and movies achieved, is that nowadays people are certain that men and women are totally different. Some science fiction writers even made an assumption than males and females are different species, which need each other in order to reproduce.It’s a obvious that language is one of the main means of communication humans use. Some researchers presume that it is language that creates most of misunderstandings between females and males. The reason is that men and women express their thoughts differently, using different verbal and non-verbal means.Lets review the most uncomplicated example, a situation described in Samuel Shems b ook We Have to Talk: Healing Dialogues Between Men and Women. He writes about the workshop organized for couples to improve their communicational skills with the opposite gender. When the organizers of the workshop asked the group to break into the same-gender groups, people looked relieved. When, afterwards, they were given the task, groups of woman and groups of man behaved themselves differently: men shook hands, sat down, and began to write their individual answers, while woman started to talk noisily in small groups, laughing, and waving hands (1999, p.14).;Analyzing this observation we can conclude that women are more into group decisions, while men prefer the individual ones. Moreover, woman express more emotion while trying to solve a problem, they have lots of associations connected with it, which they tend to express immediately. Consequently, it is no wonder that the communication between the representatives of two genders is so complicated sometimes. The strategies of co mmunication men and women use are different, so that it is not easy for them to understand each other.Nevertheless, an objection appears concerning the statement that man tend to talk less than women do. Deborah Tannen illustrated it in her article Sex, Lies and Conversation; Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other? She described the situation which happened in one of her workgroups. The group of woman invited men to join them, and, throughout the evening, one man was particularly talkative, and his wife sit silently beside him. When in the end of the evening the author concluded that women frequently complain that their husbands dont talk to them, this man agrees to her, and said that his wife was the a chatterbox in their family. The author concluded that: although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations, they often talk less at home. And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage. (1990).Its true that many women feel their husbands talk too little to them. The situation when a husband comes back home from work, and has nothing to say to his wife, is frequent in American families. The researchers have different opinions about the origins of this fact, but it is most likely that men just dont have common topics with their wives. They know what topics they should cover when they communicate with their colleagues, regardless of their gender, also they have lots of thing to talk about with their friends, but men often just dont understand what they should discuss with their women.Deborah Tannen proposes a very convincing explanation for this fact. She says that:For males, conversation is the way you negotiate your status in the group and keep people from pushing you around; you use talk to preserve your independence. Females, on the other hand, use conversation to negotiate closeness and intimacy; talk is the essence of intimacy, so being best friends means sitting and talking. For boys, activities, doing things togethe r, are central. Just sitting and talking is not an essential part of friendship. Theyre friends with the boys they do things withIt is also that for men communication means exhibiting information, which is the mean of maintaining social status. On the contrary, women see communication as transferring emotions and attitudes (2001, p.55-57). Thus men and women often just dont understand what their partner wants from them.The social status of women is usually different from that of men, thus they earn it be the means different from that men use. It is not obligatory for woman to convey information when she talks to somebody. She is more into transferring her feelings, emotions, and attitudes. In the same time, women who purport on the social status same to that males have, she has to change her communicational style.Despite of the gender and sexual revolution that have taken place in our society during the past century, men still take most of the highest positions worldwide. Thus the r equirements a human being has to fulfill for to get the high status are also set by males. As we have already noted, for men conveying information is the mean of maintaining social status. Thus, a woman who claims to have a high social status also has to learn to talk like men do. The observations indicate that lots of women are able of taking possession of this skill, in the same time being able to communicate in the feminine style. Unfortunately, little man care enough for to try to learn to talk like women do, as it is disrespected among males.J.B. Priestly, the English writer, has an opinion somehow different from that discussed above. He states that:[Women] remain more personal in their interests and less concerned with abstractions than men on the same level of intelligence and culture†¦. It is the habit of men to be overconfident in their impartiality, to believe that they are god-like intellects, detached from desires and hopes and fears and disturbing memories, general izing and delivering judgment in a serene mid-air (1926).Thus women mostly prefer to talk about the mundane things, like cooking, gardening, or clothes, while men usually cover topics like freedom, governing or philosophy. Women rarely convince their surroundings that their opinion is the only true. It is also that women can communicate freely if their views on many things differ.For man the situation is different. Males mostly talk with those, who agree with them in the majority of points. If the situation is different, they either try to persuade their opponent, or just stop communicating with him or her. For men conversation is often a form of a contest, while women perceive as one of the means of establishing and maintaining a relationship.This difference in perceiving communication is the reason for most of the misunderstandings men and women have. Those misunderstandings can ruin a marriage, or friendship. They also can create severe troubles during the working process. Solvin g them is a vital task for maintaining peace and understanding in ones life.Considering all the facts and theories listed, it is no wonder that men and women often have troubles talking. The reason for that is that they pursue different goals during this process, and their strategies are also different. Nevertheless, there are happy couples, both family and professional ones, who develop their own strategies of conveying their thoughts, ideas and emotions to each other. Likewise there are men and women who have close friends among the representatives of the opposite sex. Thus we can conclude that successful communication between man and woman is actually possible, and that we just have to spend a little time and effort for designing the one that will suit our specific case, as there are no decisions that suit all in this sphere.