Sunday, February 16, 2020

Identitys Role in Internal Politics of Eastern Europe Countries in the Essay

Identitys Role in Internal Politics of Eastern Europe Countries in the Context of Globalisation - Essay Example Globalisation is perceived differently by different individuals with some believing that it presents new opportunities while others see inequality, and hindrance of national sovereignty. In Eastern Europe, new countries have emerged from the collapse of communism governments that is the Soviet Union and the Yogoslavia, therefore developing new political identities (Genov, 2010). Countries like Poland have emerged from decolonisation hence acquiring different political systems from those of their colonisers. Most of the Eastern Europe countries have originated from authoritarian regimes, which had their identities repressed. Therefore, Eastern Europe countries engage in politics and economic systems that are distant from their colonisers, even going to the extent of changing their entire political systems. Lawmakers ensure that laws match the citizens’ sense of national identity hence satisfying their people’s roles, goals, and values (Schneider, 2010: 931). This paper w ill examine the role of identity in internal politics of Eastern Europe countries in the context of globalisation. Eastern Europe is a place that is diverse historically, culturally and geographically. The people living in Eastern Europe are of different ethnicities where they even speak different Indo-European languages. Eastern Europe is made up of four sub regions. There is the Baltics comprising of countries such as, Estonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Lithuania, and Latvia. The second sub region is East Central Europe comprising of countries like; Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia. The third sub region is Eastern Europe with countries such as, Moldova, Belarus and Russia. The fourth sub region is the Balkans or Southern East Europe with countries like Macedonia Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Herzegovina, Ukraine, Romania, and Bosnia. Those countries that are adjacent to Western Europe and centrally placed have adopted similar identities and most have joined the Europ ean Union, therefore, embracing globalisation (Cernat and Murrell, 2002:119). Other Eastern Europe countries that are far placed do not have shared identities with Europe and with the different ethnicity, religions, and political issues, many are considered volatile. Globalisation is defined as a process requiring the reduction of territorial boundaries so as to allow interactive and interdependent worldwide forms of to spread. Globalisation brings about the dissemination and spread of culture, politics, and economy from particular locations to worldwide magnitude. In addition to free movement of cultural values, money, people, and ideas, globalisation calls for mutually beneficial relations (Martel, 2009:461). Its dominant processes of regionalisation (Cernat and Murrell, 2002:119). Identity, whether cultural or national, can influence politics in that lawmakers will attempt to develop policies that will represent the values of its citizens. Policymakers will strive to create forei gn policy laws that will ensure the country’s sovereignty remains strong even among regional economic allies. A country’s national identity is not set at a certain level; therefore, adjustments can be made, allowing the citizens to adopt new interests and values. National identity is simply an illusion that people from one country or region can have about who they are. As globalisation sets in, some national identities evolve and a global perspective is adopted. Politicians sometimes act to serve their best interests of retaining power, when they draft laws that do not allow easy integration or cohesion between a nation and other foreign countries. They usually view integration as a threat, looking to reduce their power. However, globalisation is

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hospice in Rural Countries Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hospice in Rural Countries - Research Paper Example Given the increasing statistical figures of families and patients who certainly will be facing the end-of-life crisis or issues, access to the hospice care has been a significant consideration. It has been found that the rural communities have been found to get the least access to the hospice care or a Medicare - certified hospice. In addition, the higher the number of physician found in the community shall likely to have easy access to the Medicare -certified hospice such as the urban or metropolitan. Moreover, the study shows that the number of physicians that can work in a Medicare-certified hospice can lower because of the need for the physician's certification of terminal illness. The findings show that the racial-ethnic diversity decreases from most rural places to least rural places or as the classification of the rural to urban communities progressed. The following is the table of the summary of the rural-urban, socioeconomic and physician rate variables. The computation of the median has been appropriate for this study to avoid enumeration of the numerous census data. The purpose of the calculation of the median is to approximate the middle value of every entry in the table such as the total number of the whites that resides in certain location. Table gives the reader an idea that on the average, the population of the whites living in a particular location is 84.4 or simply 84.4%. Table 1. Summary of the rate of available physician, socioeconomic, and rural-urbanclassification The above table provides the summary f the characteristics of the 3,140 counties. In 204, the census of the average county was 93,507 with the standard deviation of 304, 790. In terms of the median age of each county, on the average, was 37.3 years with the standard deviation of the 4.01. This means that the median age varies within the limits of + 4.01 and -4.01 values. The mean percentage of the population of the counties pertaining to those people who are above 65 years old was 14.76% and with the standard deviation of 4.17. On the other hand, the statistics pertaining to the people classified as under poverty line is 13.74% with the standard deviation of 5.59. The mean percentage of the minority groups such as the Hispanics and African Americans in counties were 8.76% and 6.18% respectively. The Hispanics mean percentage derives a standard deviation of 11.9 while the African Americans, 14.5% standard deviation value. Furthermore, according to the summary of characteristics of the particular counties, the physician rate reaches 12.61% with a standard deviation of 14.89. On the other hand, the mean quantity of the Medicare-certified hospice was 0.83 with standard deviation of 1.84. The significance of the values 18.99, 8.99, and 9.48 pertain to the rates of physician in the rural-urban classifications. This means that the metropolitan (most urban or least rural) has the most number of physicians qualified to work with the Medicare-certified hospice than the adjacent metro or rural areas (see figure 1). Figure 1. A comparison of MDs per 10,000 census, mean percentage of