Monday, December 23, 2019

Computer Information Systems Disadvantages Essay - 2075 Words

Computer Information Systems Disadvantages Can you believe it? Our country is broke. College funds are being cut everywhere and there are no jobs. The Computer Information Systems field is a very challenging career goal, because of the technology changes, the degree requirements, and the state budget cuts. With all of the rapid changes in technology, the Computer Information Systems field can be very demanding. Brier Dudley, a Seattle Times technology reporter, discusses the rapid changes of technology in one of his articles. Dudley states that Microsoft is trying to be more like faster-moving Internet companies, and Internet companies are trying to be more like Microsoft, turning their Web sites into places where people spend the day†¦show more content†¦Continuous education is necessary to keep up with the constant changes in our fast world of computer technology. The Computer Information Systems field is a very challenging career goal, because of the degree requirements., a member of the American Library Association, discusses the Associate in Arts degree requirements. stated that to achieve an Associate in Arts degree in Computer Information Systems, students must pass required courses such as Data Structures and Data Management, Object Oriented Programming, and Technology-based math ( proves the challenges to obtain a CIS AA degree to be true, because these required courses can be very difficult to pass and require a lot of mathematical skills., a member of the Better Business Bureau, also talks about the CIS AA degree requirements. says that you must take Computer Technology Management Fundamentals, Accounting Principles, and Software engineering. ( shows the difficulties faced w ith achieving a CIS AA degree, because, the courses are very demanding and require strong analytical skills. The arduous course requirements are what make the CIS AA degree a very perplexing career objective. The overwhelming number of technical courses required to get a degree in the Computer Information System field can be very discouraging.Show MoreRelatedWhat Are the Advantages and Disadvantages for Individuals and Society of the Reliance on Communicating Via Computers1004 Words   |  5 PagesWhat are the advantages and disadvantages for individuals and society of the reliance on communicating via computers? (Discussion Essay) Introduction: In today’s world, communication is one of the key elements that people across the world can connect with one another. The rise of the use of computer has been due to technological advancements such as the creation of email and websites such as Facebook and Twitter. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sandy Hook Free Essays

Alyssa Garcia Period 5, A R Mr. Leighton 28 March, 2013 Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting On December 14, 2012 a horrible tragedy occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty year old Adam Lanza killed twenty innocent six years olds and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary. We will write a custom essay sample on Sandy Hook or any similar topic only for you Order Now The shooting happened approximately around 9:30 a. m. , while announcements were being said on the loudspeaker to the students. This is a misfortune that will never be forgotten. We all have questions on how, when, what, where, and why Adam Lanza would do this. Some questions still have stayed unanswered. America’s most recent mass killer is Adam Lanza. Before the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, news articles have discovered that Lanza had killed his Mother Nancy Lanza, at their Newtown Connecticut home before he took action at Sandy Hook elementary. Lanza took his life as well at the elementary school after he killed twenty-six innocent lives. Adam must have had plenty of time to plan out the shooting. Nancy Lanza was shot four times in her bed with a 22 caliber rifle. Reports have discovered that his mother would teach him how to aim guns at a young age. People that knew Adam when he was a kid say he was an â€Å"odd† child. Marvin Lafontaine knows the Lanza family from New Hampshire through a Boy Scout program (Weiegand). Lafontaine said that Adam was very anti-social and did not like to be touched by others. When Adam was in middle school he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome which is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized in the social behavior. As a child finding out that you are diagnosed with Asperger syndrome must be a challenge in life to obtain with. As a mother, it must be a difficult challenge to do the best to your ability to provide the needs for your child. Adams’ father Peter Lanza was divorced from Nancy when Adam was ten years old. The divorced must have made an impact in his life. Also, Adams’ older brother had moved out to attend a university out of state. At this point in his life he probably felt isolated and felt like he was different from others. He was identified as a child who is very likely to be bullied (Weiegand). I believe that Adam Lanza was motivated by violent video games and a mass murder. As a kid, Lanza and his mother Nancy would play video games. I am not assuming that his mother was part of the reason why he would do this massacre, but many people might believe that she influenced him. I am sure those were not her intentions at all. She was using video games to spend quality time with her son during the difficulty of the process of the divorce. Comparing the shooting at the elementary school and the video games are fantasies that he killed twenty-six lives and the deaths are counted as a â€Å"score†(Rodriguez). On December 17, 2012 the news said that Lanza kept a spreadsheet with five hundred names connected to past massacres in the past. Next to the names Lanza wrote each killer and the weapon to be used. The video game â€Å"Call of Duty† is about a mass murder named Anders Breivik who kills seventy-seven people in Norway in 2011. Lanza played this video game and I am sure it inspired some violence. Works Cited Bart, Brient. â€Å"Breitbart. com. †Ã‚  Breitbart News Network. N. p. , 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. Bennett-Smith, Meredith. â€Å"Gene Rosen, Sandy Hook Hero, Harassed By Conspiracy Theorists Who Claim He’s An Actor. †Ã‚  The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com, 15 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. Nhan, BRENDAN. â€Å"United States Project.   Columbia Journalism Review. N. p. , 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013 Rambo, Mindy. â€Å"Sandy Hook Shooting – Hoax †Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ JustMommies Message Boards. N. p. , 16 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. Rivera, Ray, â€Å"Newtown Debates School’s Fate after Shooting. † The New York Times. January 13, 2013. Web . March 6, 2103 Rodricks, Dan, â€Å"Remembering Sandy Hook on the way to Congress. † Baltimoresun. com. March 6, 2013. Web. March 5, 2103 Rodriguez, Jessica. â€Å"Sandy Hook Hoax Video: Conspiracy Claim Draws 11M Views on YouTube (VIDEO). †Ã‚  Christian Post. N. p. , 19 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. Staglin, Douglas. â€Å"Conn. Paper Regrets Gun Ad next to Sandy Hook Story. †Ã‚  USA Today. Gannett, 3 Jan. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. Stern, Mark. â€Å"The Slatest. †Ã‚  The Slatest. N. p. , 7 Feb. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. Tracy, James. â€Å"Memory Hole. †Ã‚  Memory Hole. N. p. , 16 Dec. 2012. Web. 18 Mar. 2013 Tribune, East Valley, â€Å"Tempe Elementary District police take active role on school safety. † nbcnews. com. March 4, 2103. Web. March 7, 2103. View, The. â€Å"Experience ABC Online. †Ã‚  The View. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013 Weiegand, Davis, â€Å" PBS show provides more clues about Sandy Hook Shooter. † Newstimes. Com. February 17, 2103. Web. March 7, 2013 How to cite Sandy Hook, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Art and Influence of El Greco Essay Example For Students

The Art and Influence of El Greco Essay Changes of fashion may be arbitrary, but changes of taste are not. The latter are always to be traced to some more or less conscious need on the part of the community. What we call the vogue or popularity of an artist  whether his medium be literature, music, or the fine arts, is the product of something sound or shallow, trivial or serious, in the hearts and minds of the people for which he has found an expression. The mood of the people changes  and that artists vogue suffers an eclipse; only, however, to shine forth again when a later generation rediscovers the same mood. It is in this way and for this reason that the vogue of certain artists of the past becomes renewed. Thus, the late century witnessed a revival of inter- est in Rembrandt, Velasquez, Hals, Goya and still more recently in El Greco. This artist of the Spanish School, Domenico Theotocopuli, was born in Crete; whence the nickname of El Greco, â€Å"The Greek. The date of his birth is unknown, but, it is conjectured, was about 15-18. He was, therefore, a contemporary of Titian and Tintoretto. He is known to have spent some years in Venice, and to have been a pupil of Titian, while it is also evident that Tintoretto influenced him. A letter is still extant recommending El Greco to a Cardinal in Rome as a young man of great promise, who had already painted a por- trait that causes wonderment to all the painters in Rome.† The next record concerning the artist shows that in 1577 lie was living in Toledo and had painted an altar-piece for the Church of San Domingo el Antigua. This picture is now owned by the Chicago Art Institute. Such other documents as exist deal mainly with contracts for commissions and occasional disputes over the amounts of payments; while one records the artist’s death. On 7th April, 1614, died Domenico Greco. He left no will. He received the Sacraments, was buried in Santo Domingo el Antigua; and gave candles.† Spain has been notoriously careless about the records of her famous men, which partly accounts for the dearth of information regarding El Greco. The latter, however, seems to have been a man of great reserve; wrapped up in his work and in the society of a few chosen friends. As in the case of most great artists, the record of his life is really the record of his art. How did El Greco satisfy the con- scious need of his own time? When we have answered this, we shall be in a position to understand why he has again become a vogue in our own day. Briefly, then, in the last quarter of the  sixteenth century and the first of the seventeenth—the period of El Greco’s greatness—Spain was the foremost cham- pion of Catholicism. For nearly a thousand years her sovereigns had borne the proud title of Catholic Kings’’; and for nearly eight hundred her people had held aloft the banner of the Faith against the Infidel Moor, until the latter had been finally driven from the land. Chivalry and Catholicism were the breath of life in the stern, haughty hidalgos, sons of somebody†; and, when the Faith everywhere else was threatened by the inroads of the Reformation, they became the leaders of the Counter-Reformation. To the weapons of reason they held up the shield of Faith, and made up for the falling away of other nations by their own burning devotion to the Church. Their chivalric fervor glowed with an intense flame of religious mysticism; and the white core of this spiritual volcano was Toledo, whose Cathedral was known throughout Christendom as Toledo the Rich.† Such, in a few words, was the spiritual environment of El Greco. Being a man of intense dcvoutness and exalted imagination, he became the artist of this movement; interpreting the Toledans to themselves and giving expression to their spiritual exaltation. His earlier pictures, such as the one now in Chicago, still show much of the influence of Titian. But, as the influence of Toledo penetrated his mind and soul he gradually found a means of expressing what he felt, until he formed a style peculiarly his own. Though it was appreciated by the finer minds of his own time, both ecclesiastical and lay, it puzzled many people, including the King, Philip II. As they could not understand it, they assumed that the fault was the artist’s and dubbed him crazy; which, by the way, is the fate of most great imaginative minds. .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 , .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .postImageUrl , .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 , .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:hover , .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:visited , .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:active { border:0!important; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:active , .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3 .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2d6ddc2b5500e5df45210508b636d9b3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Renaissance art (Donatello)To grasp the meaning of El Greco’s style it must be noted, in the first place, that it was based on what was peculiarly the genius of all Spanish painting: natu- ralism. But while the other painters of Spain were satisfied, either, like Velasquez, to bring the naturalistic represen- tation to the highest point of truth of appearance; or, as in the case of Mu- rillo, adopted the naturalistic motive to an expression of the sentiment of religion, El Greco interpreted the natural in relation to its spiritual environment. He was, in fact, a realist; in the sense that quite recently we are learning to use the word. He painted not only the fact, but the soul of the fact; made visi- ble to the eye its spiritual environment. Turn, for example, to The Funeral of Count Ozgaz,† El Greco’s masterpiece, which hangs in the church of Santo Tome, Toledo. Where will you find a group more grave and dignified? But the artist did not limit himself to naturalism. El Greco has intentionally exag- gerated the length and leanness of the figure of Christ for the purpose of enforcing the spiritual significance. For the same reason he has made the clouds like draperies. In this part of his picture he is using form, but as a symbol of spiritual expression. He makes the spiritual fact visible to the eye through the medium of the forms. The result is a great realistic picture based upon naturalism out of which grows the spiri- tual significance. This, in a word, is the secret of all El Greco’s characteristic work. He used form, color, composition, and lighting, all as symbols „f expres- sion. The great end and aim of his art was expression. This brings us to the influence of El Greco in the present day. It corresponds with a growing need on the part of the community. The late century was occupied with material and scientific research and progress, at considerable ex- pense of spiritual ideas and ideals. In fact, the old spiritual values had been so jarred that they no longer served their purpose. By degrees, however, the old perennial truth, that man cannot live by bread alone, began to reassert itself. Men have begun to turn their gaze in- ward and outward, seeking some new reconciliation of the facts of matter and the facts of spirit. Art is slowly following suit. After a period, given over to representing the  things of sight, either purely objectively or colored by the temperament and mood of the artist, a reaction has set in. Pro- gressive painters have begun to realize that the greater portion of the art of the last fifty or sixty years has been in point of view essentially photographic; that in its naturalistic or impressionistic motive painting has simply been a more or less successful rival of the camera. In seeking to discover a field more exclusively its own, they have begun to realize that there is something higher than representation, namely, expression. The painter is forced to rely on representation as the foundation of his art; but he says, in effect, I will not paint a man for the sake of proving how nearly I can give you an illusion of the original, but for the sake of the amount of expression I can make the form inter- pret. It is not a new idea, but an old one revived; and the source of its present inspiration is the experience we have gained of Oriental art. We have discovered that the secret of the latter was a larger degree of abstraction. The Eastern artist was not so intent on making things look like things; but, while preserving sufficient suggestion of naturalness in the forms, treated them rather as symbols of expression. .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd , .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .postImageUrl , .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd , .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:hover , .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:visited , .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:active { border:0!important; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:active , .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua74729d0897f81d5422dccb8bae262bd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Art And It's Meaning EssayIt was when this more abstract use of form and this subordination of representation to expression began to occupy the artists of the present day that the vogue of El Greco began. He was recognized as a great master at once of naturalistic representation and of spiritual expres- sion ; and in the union of the two, a great Realist. One of the first modern artists to be seriously influenced by the Spaniard was the Frenchman, Paul Cà ©zanne, who died in 1905. His influence in France is operating with numbers of young artists, who are thinking and working along the lines that we have been discussing. Although they have their goal pretty clearly in vie w, they are groping for the road to reach it. For Cà ©zanne was a John the Baptist, preaching the way rather than definitely plotting it out. But an account of his work and genius must be reserved for another occasion.

Saturday, November 30, 2019


The introduction of the iPad to the market came at the backdrop of a successful launch of the iPhone. The iPhone was barely out of the introductory stage when the iPad 1 was launched. The second generation iPad has recently been launched. Sometimes it is hard to define the stage in product life cycle apple products are.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on New-Product Pricing Strategy: Ipad specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because their entry is characterized by huge success and massive reception by consumers. Experts note that it is possible to skip some stages in the product life cycle (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011). I would say that is what happened with iPad. All characteristics surrounding the second generation iPad confirm the fact that it is at the introductory stage, apart from the massive consumer use it is already enjoying in the market. I would say it is in the growth stage. The marketing pricing strategies that Apple Inc should employ are not clear. The market penetration pricing strategy, according to me is not a good option. This is because the market reception is already quite positive. Therefore, riding on this euphoria that has been generated by all the talk about the iPad, the company will recoup its investment quite fast. The second generation iPad was launched in 25 other countries (apart from USA where it was originally launched) just last month (Apple Inc., 2011). Initial indications showed that those markets were waiting for the product to arrive. This means that no matter the price, consumers will focus on the value addition of iPad 1 (Satariano, 2011). The other reason the company should not adopt the market penetration pricing strategy is that competition is almost nil. The most formidable competitor Motorola xoom is still in competition with iPad 1. The CEO of Apple Inc Steve Jobs noted during the launch that competitors are struggling to catch up with the f irst generation iPad while the second generation is already launched. This underscores the variability that is there in market share with the closest competitor (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The second generation iPad is an improvement to the iPad 1. This is terms of camera quality, sexiness, Wi Fi capabilities and horse power capabilities (Topolsky, 2011). These features are also way competitive compared to Motorola xoom. This means that majority of consumers will see xoom as just an imitation of the iPad. They will go original (Johnston, 2011). Another reason is the fact that apple has had other successful launches before. The iPhone which entered the market in early 2007 received so much reception in the market. There was actually no competition for some time. Banking on that success, the company should simply introduce the product in the market at a high price. The target market can also be a determiner in overall pricing. In this case it is evident that iPad is not meant for lower end market. It is for the high end market. This means that its price should be high. The company should listen to the consumers for improvements and value addition propositions (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011). It is evident that my proposal is that Apple should employ market skimming pricing to introduce iPad. Because of the favorable past quality and successes of its products, it will easily recoup its costs and make profits. Afterwards it should shift to market penetration pricing strategies. This is what the company did when launching the iPhone in 2007. Focus, in the short run, should be awareness and value addition (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011). Reference List Apple Inc. (2011).  Ipad 2 Arrives In 25 More Countries This Friday. Web. Armstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2011).  Marketing: An Introduction. New York, USA: Pearson Prentice Hal l. Johnston, C. (2011).  Ipad 2: Faster, Thinner, Lighter; Same Battery, Display Resolution. ARS. Web.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on New-Product Pricing Strategy: Ipad specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Satariano, A. (2011).  Apple Poised To Sell 600,000 Ipad 2s in Its Debut, Outpacing First Model. Bloomberg. Web. Topolsky, J. (2011).  Ipad 2 Review. AOL Tech.   Web. This assessment on New-Product Pricing Strategy: Ipad was written and submitted by user Chr0n0mancer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Away With The Insanity Defense

Away With The Insanity Defense The insanity defense is a rare and very controversial subject. It is basically a defense used in court, by psychotics, to get off free with a crime they committed. In order to be found innocent using the insanity defense one must prove that he was unable to notice that his actions were wrong. The most recent case that used the insanity defense was the case of Andrea Yates trial. She drowned her five children in a bathtub and said that voices told her to do it. How can a person get off free for something as heinous as this? The insanity defense should not be used in courts today and all people should pay for the crimes that they commit. Andrea Yates drowned her five kids in a bathtub because she was afraid of the evil that might get to them in the world today. She also said that voices told her to kill her children. There is no doubt that this woman is insane. In fact, she was diagnosed as being psychotic, but there should be a line where people can not plea insanity. If she was really afraid of what the world might do to her children she should have took it upon herself to better prepare her children for the real world instead of taking them from it. Yates lost her first child at a young age and wasn’t the same from that moment on, but there should be a point where she realizes her lost, puts it into the past, and look toward the future. No one should ever know how it feels to lose their first born, but it happens everyday and it is a part of life. As for her being depressed, that is a very common reaction to losing a loved one and that is why she went to therapy. The thing that is baffling is that the woman tried to commit suicide twice and no one had paid any attention to her at all. When she was diagnosed as a psychotic, doctors should have started acting then to try and help her. When she tried to commit suicide, doctors should has shipped her ass to a mental hospital. She said ... Free Essays on Away With The Insanity Defense Free Essays on Away With The Insanity Defense Away With The Insanity Defense The insanity defense is a rare and very controversial subject. It is basically a defense used in court, by psychotics, to get off free with a crime they committed. In order to be found innocent using the insanity defense one must prove that he was unable to notice that his actions were wrong. The most recent case that used the insanity defense was the case of Andrea Yates trial. She drowned her five children in a bathtub and said that voices told her to do it. How can a person get off free for something as heinous as this? The insanity defense should not be used in courts today and all people should pay for the crimes that they commit. Andrea Yates drowned her five kids in a bathtub because she was afraid of the evil that might get to them in the world today. She also said that voices told her to kill her children. There is no doubt that this woman is insane. In fact, she was diagnosed as being psychotic, but there should be a line where people can not plea insanity. If she was really afraid of what the world might do to her children she should have took it upon herself to better prepare her children for the real world instead of taking them from it. Yates lost her first child at a young age and wasn’t the same from that moment on, but there should be a point where she realizes her lost, puts it into the past, and look toward the future. No one should ever know how it feels to lose their first born, but it happens everyday and it is a part of life. As for her being depressed, that is a very common reaction to losing a loved one and that is why she went to therapy. The thing that is baffling is that the woman tried to commit suicide twice and no one had paid any attention to her at all. When she was diagnosed as a psychotic, doctors should have started acting then to try and help her. When she tried to commit suicide, doctors should has shipped her ass to a mental hospital. She said ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Aos Belonging

In particular, the poems In the Folk Museum, and 10 Mary Street articulates his internal struggles during his teenage years. In David Malouf’s An Imaginary Life (1978), Ovid, a Roman poet during the height of Augustan Rome is indefinitely exiled to the â€Å"barbaric† lands of Tomis. Coming from a highly cultured and ‘civilised’ background, Ovid experiences alienation largely due to his prejudices of the â€Å"savage† tribe’s people. Throughout In the Folk Museum, Skrzynecki conveys an atmosphere of detachment from the relics inside the museum. Skrzynecki lists the relics in the museum; by using accumulation, â€Å"Hay knife, draining plough, shoulder yoke, box iron† Skrzynecki indicates the extent of his disengagement. Listing the objects evokes a monotonous tone and gives the sense that Skrzynecki sees them as lifeless objects â€Å"which isn’t [his]†. Moreover, the listing also depersonalises the objects reflecting a depersonalisation of his Australian heritage. In Skrzynecki’s 10 Mary Street, the â€Å"still too narrow bridge† is symbolic of his fractured identity which presents the greatest barrier to his sense of belonging. Every morning, Skrzynecki â€Å"hides the key (to the house)/ under a rusty bucket† before school. This action of hiding the key is metaphorical for him locking away his Polish identity before going to school. The use of anaphora â€Å"for nineteen years†, further emphasises the length of time has kep the two faction of his identity separate. On a superficial level, his sense of alienation is no more than a product of his Polish upbringing which isolates him from his surroundings. However, in The Folk Museum, a more nuanced cause of his ambivalence is portrayed in the poem. As Skrzynecki approaches the end of his tour, â€Å"the wind taps hurriedly on the roof and walls†. The use of pathetic fallacy â€Å"the wind† conveys a subconscious reluctance to recognise Australian heritage as part of his identity. Furthermore, as he leaves the museum â€Å"without wanting a final look†, the museum curator touches Skrzynecki hand, â€Å"the old woman’s hand/Touches mine†. The use of enjambment leaves a truncated â€Å"touches mine† thus emphasising a sudden realisation. Like a haunting thought, the woman’s hand reminds Skrzynecki that the museum, a metaphor for his Australian heritage can never be entirely dissociated with his identity. The curator’s hand is a parallel to the lone tree motif, a symbol of his Polish heritage, in Postcard which whispers â€Å"we will meet/before you die†. These techniques represent his internal conflict; he is not at peace with his identity and his sense of self is fractured. This internal conflict is what causes his inability to belong or associate with the museum and his Australian heritage. In Malouf’s, An Imaginary Life, the greatest challenge to Ovid’s sense of belonging is again his internal conflict with his identity. Exiled from Rome, the epicentre of the civilised world, he finds that his former identity as a Roman poet invalidated and meaningless as he feels alienated by the â€Å"savage† environment. The use of rhetorical questions, â€Å"Am I still known? †¦ Have I survived? † evokes thoughts on the meaning of his existence. Malouf uses Ovid’s first hunt in part one to demonstrate his internal conflict. The hunt is significant in many tribal cultures and is symbolic of initiation and acceptance into the community. Ovid is welcomed by the old man who â€Å"greets [him] with a handclasp†. This particular use of tactile imagery signifies warmth and invitation; Ovid is being whole-heartedly welcomed into the tribal hunt. However, Ovid does not feel a sense of belonging. Instead, he feels internally conflicted. Continuous repetition of â€Å"I am Roman† interjected in the stream of consciousness conveys his unwillingness to identify himself with the tribe’s people. Exhilarated by the hunt yet reluctant to connect, Ovid conveys how his inability to reconcile with identity proves a significant barrier to belonging. In Skrzynecki’s 10 Mary Street, Skrzynecki shows that by engaging with his surroundings, a better sense of identity may be achieved. The house on 10 Mary Street, Skrzynecki’s childhood home, is a metaphor for his Polish heritage and identity. It is a place where Skrzynecki feels he can explore his Polish identity to gain a better sense of belonging. In the backyard of the house, Skrzynecki â€Å"ravaged the garden, like a hungry bird†. The use of simile highlights an instinctive sense of connection and nurturing he has with the garden; he is free to indulge himself in his surroundings. This engagement leads to him gaining a better sense of belonging. The detailed allusions to Polish cuisine, â€Å"Kielbasa, salt herrings, and rye bread, drank vodka or cherry brandy†, reveals a sense of connection he has with his Polish identity. Gustatory imagery not only creates a sense of warmth and nurturing but serves as a powerful indicator of his adherence to his Polish identity. This indicates that through engagement, he feels a better sense of identity and belonging. However, his sense of belonging only exists inside the microcosm of his home. The use of vivid and violent imagery such as referring to the factory as â€Å"always burning down†, the block being â€Å"gazetted for industry† suggests he does not draw his identity from it, that he does not belong to it. This demonstrates that a lack of engagement with his external surroundings cause him to feel alienated. Likewise, in Malouf’s An Imaginary Life, Ovid’s internal struggle to let go of the past and his prejudices present challenges to attaining a sense of belonging. â€Å"I am dead, I am relegated to the region of silence† Ovid initially states. A deeply introspective character, Ovid constantly reflects his mental state. The use of anaphora â€Å"I am† characterises a degree of self-absorption. It is this unwillingness to engage with the outside world that is responsible for Ovid’s sense of alienation. As the novella progresses, Ovid begins to recognise that he needs to shed these prejudices to achieve a sense of belonging. Ovid summarises that â€Å"(he) had to enter silence to find the password from my own life. † Silence is a motif used throughout the text to signify Tomis and his isolation from his Latin tongue. In contrast â€Å"password†, a word which suggests speech and sound is juxtaposed with â€Å"silence†. This emphasises the need for him to engage with his surroundings in order to be at peace with his identity. This idea is supported by the foil character; the Child, who is an animus for Ovid’s prejudicial attitudes. Interacting with the boy, Ovid â€Å"†¦ find[s] [him]self more and more often slipping back into [his] childhood†. Ovid explains that through his interaction with the wild boy, he learns to let go and free himself from the prejudices. The choice of diction, â€Å"slipping back† has subtly connotes an internal resolution and that his sense of serenity is found within himself. Malouf suggests a sense of belonging can only be achieved through introspection and resolution of internal struggles. Ultimately, belonging is rarely affected by external forces. It is a realisation of one’s identity that is crucial to bring about a sense of belonging. Although Skrzynecki, unlike Malouf’s character Ovid, does not appear to reconcile his fractured identity, both writers illustrate the importance of inner peace in the pursuit to belong.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Planning Function of Management in an Organization Essay

Planning Function of Management in an Organization - Essay Example Strategic planning is a process in which organizations strategies are determined, which utilizes major resources of the organization to achieve the goals. The company, EVENTIS is an event creator, organizer and manager. It has organized various events in its short history of 8 months and has come to be known as a very competent company. The company's portfolio includes organizing events such as weddings, concerts, gigs, conferences, seminars and the biggest event as yet, the Australian Cultural Festival. In this short span of time, EVENTIS has gathered a force of 400 young, talented and highly motivated employees through its friendly and goal oriented work environment. The satisfied customer base is increasing day by day and the future looks bright for EVENTIS at least for the near future. Planning is an essential process in EVENTIS, it helps the organization in achieving its goals and competing better with other and progressing in future. It consists of setting strategic objectives that define the desirable business aims to be achieved. Optimizing the strategic objectives by choosing the best considered mechanisms and to ensure the best use of organizational resources in given time is by developing operational plans. It also consists of organizing the management process in such a way that it helps in making the most effective decision and implementation plan. It also includes proper management of information that helps in support in management process by developing the communications system. This planning process is not consistent; it's changing along with the environment which governs the organization's entities. Thus the company makes sure that they monitor the environment which includes the competition, latest technology, government's rules and regulations and update their planning accordingly. [2] Impact of the following on the Management Planning in the Organization EVENTIS is an organization that deals with legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility very effectively as they play a very essential part in its remarkable planning management. Legal Issues EVENTIS as an event management company knows its responsibilities under law and organizes event taking special care of a variety of legal issues. It is their legal responsibility to make sure whether their event available within a particular time. EVENTIS ensures who actually owns the event as it involves various rights and liabilities and clarifies whether they can enter into a contract with the third party regarding the event. It becomes necessary in some cases to take official permission from the sanctioning body in order to host or manage events. The sanctioning is usually required for any national and international event under international rules and it ensures that the event is delivered according to the standards of the governing body. It is necessary to take license or permission before holding an event at any place and these licenses are issued by the local authorities. EVENTIS require the following licenses: Public Entertainment License - this is issued to conduct events in open air, can be for more than one occasion and issued by local

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The influence of music to the influence of books Essay - 1

The influence of music to the influence of books - Essay Example In contrast, books also, to some extent, relax the reader. You can read whatever book you want to read adventure or love stories which will release you from all mental stress for some time and you will feel good. In a time like the one we are living in, books and music can influence a person positively and he may not give up. We can also see from the history that music (national songs) and books have influenced people to do things that one would never expect them to do. History reminds us of times when sometimes books, sometimes music and sometimes both of them have triggered the dormant passion of nations influencing them to unite and fight for their right. Books and music have sometimes transformed a crowd into a nation and that power has remained with and will always be with books and music. Books build the personality within a person giving him experience to the new fronts as well as carving the mental ability to encourage him to draw closer to the perfection that the world demands.. Books can even be used by those who are looking for answers in life. Many people report finding the perfect book to answer the burning questions in their minds. Music doesn’t answer those types of questions that books do; but music answers feeling or disturbed emotions looking for an outlet. When combined with dance, music comes to life in the dancer and audience. The fame of singing and dancing shows on TV is ample evidence for the more disciplined expressions of music. If a mentally disturbed person gets to listen to the correct type of music, he can unravel many tangles that bother him. Comparatively books answer speculative questions related to facts and figures. They increase the knowledge span of a person by letting him know what he doesn’t and enlightening his mind about the good and the bad

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Older and Wiser Essay Example for Free

Older and Wiser Essay Frank Heberer, the Human Resources Manager of Medignostics, finds it difficult to accept the aging employees of his firm as part of an energetic workforce. According to Heberer, the older employees of the company are not as productive as the young. However, Bertha Weber from the marketing department trusts that the older employees of Medignostics are necessary for the firm. She intercedes on behalf of the aging employees of the firm to point out to Heberer that it is only the older employee who truly knows the kind of products to sell other aged people. As an example, Weber mentions the successful arthritis campaign of Medignostics which was spearheaded by an aging employee – somebody who was expected to certainly know more about arthritis than the young employees. Weber also points out to Heberer that he, being only 45 years of age, cannot be expected to successfully market products for the aged people. Rather, it is only the aging employee who understands the aches and pains of old age that can successfully market health products and services for other aging people. In other words, the aging employee of a health products company, or any other organization for that matter, is best qualified to market products for the aged. Not only does the aging marketer know the kinds of products and services needed by the aged, but he also is aware of the kind of marketing communication that is required to reach out to the aged. The aging employee is actually expected to most perfectly understand the marketing mix for products that are especially made for the aged. This employee is in an excellent position to decide on the prices of products to be sold to the aged. Moreover, he knows where to place the products to sell the aged. Yet another advantage of older employees put forth by Weber is that the aging employee knows the company better than anybody else. Having worked for decades with Medignostics, an aging employee understands well the policies of the firm, in addition to its goals and requirements. After all, the aging employee has spent plenty of years trying to improve upon his productivity and efficiency in the company. So, Weber refers to the â€Å"experience† of the older employee being of special significance to the company, seeing that the older employee is in a better position to take the company forward with his experiences of success and failure at Medignostics. To put it another way, the aging employee knows what works and what does not work at his firm. The young employee, on the other hand, would take his time to realize the basics of the company before he can even think of taking the company forward with his youthful energy that Heberer would like to fill the company with in place of the old employees. Weber believes that the older employees still have a lot to offer Medignostics. The 58-year-old Hausmann who has worked for the firm for 20 years has been seen to consistently improve his performance. He moved up in organizational rank from bookkeeping to account management. Weber would like Heberer to keep Hausmann employed, the reason being that Hausmann and other aging employees continue to have a lot to offer Medignostics. If Hausmann is not productive in his present function at the company, perhaps Weber would suggest that the older employee must be given a new job function to perform. After all, older employees may not only be extremely useful in marketing to all ages – seeing as they have lived through them all – but also in the area of organizational counseling. The wisdom of the older employees may benefit young employees tremendously. Older employees may also be given the chance to select their new job functions where they would be most productive, given that the organization trusts them more than it would trust its new employees. Hence, Weber would like Heberer to trust the fact that the older employee is truly wiser.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Defense for Booker T. Washington :: Up From Slavery African Americans Essays

Defense for Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington is innocent of sycophancy and complacency. The meaning of sycophancy, as we know it, is a self serving flatterer. By far, I do not think that Mr. Washington is one of these. Mr. Washington’s second charge, complacency, according to the online dictionary of Merriam – Webster means, self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. Again, this is far from what Booker T. Washington is guilty of, in fact, Mr. Washington is gravely misunderstood and it is the people’s point of view that has to change to prove this man’s innocence. In his autobiography, â€Å"Up From Slavery† Washington describes his life as a slave and rising above poverty and oppression. His reason for this autobiography was to tell the world that he too suffered abuse, oppression, poverty and belittlement. He shows that he was able to sacrifice and suffer to get to where he accelerated to be a prominent educator. His purpose of this book was to educate others of his own race. Washington grew up in the South. Southern baptism was the dominant religion. People were having the calling to be ministers in every congregation. Having all of this religion around you instills attitudes of guidance from the bible. I feel that Booker T. Washington was heavily influenced by the bible whether he knew it or not. It states in the bible, â€Å"turn the other cheek, forgive one another and seek treasures of comfort from heaven, when someone is mean to you be kind to them and coals of fire will burn on their heads.† We have all heard these phrases throughout our life time. Could these ideologies be in stowed in Booker T. Washington’s mind set? Of course, it was. This is why Mr. Washington sees that forgiving the white race and to move on is justified. He’s trying to help his own race by trying to take away the hate and vengeful feelings towards the white race so that his own race is clear to move forward and eventually perhaps become equal. The fi rst step in mental health to move forward is to forgive and forget the past. This was one of the ideologies Washington was trying to promote. Washington believed that education was an important tool for moving up the social and financial ladder.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Experience with a Charge Nurse Essay

I consider that clinical practice as an essential component of my learning process. Clinical practice allow me to have direct experience with the real world of nursing, to practice the clinical skills required for the job, to learn about general nursing routines, and to learn about the responsibilities of the nurses. At the beginning of the third term of this program my clinical experience has been less stressful than the initial clinical experience in terms I and II. I feel that I have gain more confidence and knowledge to perform the clinical skills necessary to care for the patients. I have learned different nursing skills, for example: perform physical and health assessments, I learned to collect the right data that is relevant to the patient’s condition, different communication skills, I also learned different areas of responsibility that nurses have, like infectious control. Although I have gain a lot of confidence and knowledge, I feel that I need more practice performing head-to-toe physical assessments, which is a very important tool in providing the best possible care to a patient; I need to be more organized, start with the head and work my way down in order, this way I can achieve an accurate and convenient physical assessment, for me and most important for the patient. I have to continue to work on my nurse’s notes to be logical, focused, and relevant to care. I also need to work on documentation, which is very important in each phase of the nursing process. I find clinical practice to be exciting, interesting, important and enjoyable. There’s a lot more to it than just doing a procedure, it’s about developing a relationship with people and working in a team. Clinical practice also helps me to consolidate my knowledge by getting my hands on experience and practicing what I was taught in the laboratory. An essential factor that contributes to this clinical experience is the positive relationship with my clinical instructor and the agency staff. I want to thank my clinical instructor for being supportive, encouraging, helpful, approachable, available, and understanding. These are all important aspects that make me feel self-confidence and motivate.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Collegative properties Essay

A detailed explanation, one paragraph or more in your own words, of the colligative property being discussed and why that property changes the way that it does when the amount of solute is increased. A detailed description, at least one paragraph, of a real-world application of the colligative property, including an explanation of how this application of the colligative property is important or useful to those affected. The real-world example must be one that was not mentioned in the lesson. An introduction and conclusion that is appropriate for the audience and for the content of the article. At least three resources (web sites, articles, etc.) that you used to write the article. Colligative properties can be confusing, but all you really need to remember is that the more solute in a solution the lower the boiling point. The more solute in a solution, the higher the boiling point. A colligative property of a solution or solvent varies depending on the amount of solute particles in it, though it doesn’t matter the kind of solute. The more solute the more colligative property of the solvent. Also, its boiling point changes. The more solute, the higher the boiling point. Less solute causes a lower boiling point. Antifreeze lowers the freezing point of an H2o based solution.Antifreeze is commonly used for airplane wings, cooling systems, and defrosting things. Antifreeze can be used to achieve high boiling points and also lower boiling points. Antifreeze keeps things from boiling and freezing all at once. It keeps things around atmospheric temperature. The amount of solute decreases the boiling point. The pressure keeps the atmospheric temperature lower than the pressure with the solute. Antifreeze used in heating and cooling systems is a solution of water and ethylene glycol has a lower freezing point than pure water or pure ethylene glycol. Antifreeze is a good example of the colligative property, except its special because it keeps from boiling or freezing. Read more:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

muic essays

muic essays . (1988) "The Household Responsibility System Reform in China's Agricultural Reform: A Theoretical and Empirical Study." Economic Development and Cultural Change 36(3, supplement) (April): S199-S224. Lin, J.Y. (1989) "An Economic Theory of Institutional Change: Induced and Imposed Change." Cato Journal 9(1) (Spring/Summer 1989): 1-33. Lin, J.Y. (1992) "Rural Reforms and Agricultural Growth in China." American Economic Review 82(1) (March): 34-51. Lin, J.Y.; Cai, F.; and Li, Z. (1994) The China Miracle: Development Strategy and Economic Development. Chinese ed., Shanghai: People's Publishing House and Shanghai Sanlian Sudian. (English ed., Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1996). Lipton, D., and Sachs, J. (1990) "Privatization in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland." Brookings Papers on Economic Activities, No. 2: 293-341. Luo, H.X. (1985) Economic Changes in Rural China. Beijing: New World Press. McKinnon, R.I. (1994) "Gradual versus Rapid Liberalization in Socialist Economies: Financial Policies and Macroeconomic Stability in China and Russia Compared." In Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1993: 63-94. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. McMillan, J., and Naughton, B. (1992) "How to Reform a Planned Economy: Lessons from China." Oxford Review of Economic Policy 8(1) (Spring): 130-143. McMillan, J.; Whalley, J.; and Zhu, L.J. (1989) "The Impact of China's Economic Reforms on Agricultural Productivity Growth." Journal of Political Economy 97(4) (August): 781- 807. Murphy, K.; Schleifer, A and Vishny, R. (1992) "The Transition to a Market Economy: Pitfall of Partial Reform." Quarterly Journal of Economics 107(3) (August): 889-906. Murrel, P., and Wang, Y.J. (1993) "When Privatization Should Be Delayed: The Effect of Communist Legacies on Organizational and Institutional Reforms." Journal of Comparative Economics 17(2) (June): 385-406. Newbery, D.M. (1993) "Transform...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A case Study of Football Association of Wales Strategic Plan Essay

A case Study of Football Association of Wales Strategic Plan - Essay Example There is also a strong competition for both local and regional clubs. There are several professional players who compete at the national as well as the international level. There are many institutions that support and make contributions to different aspects of Welsh football, but the most outstanding of these groups has to be the Football Association of Wales (The Football Association of Wales, 2010). The Football Association of Wales is the governing body that controls football activities in Wales. FAW was formed in 1876, making it the third oldest national association on earth. FAW is a member of international football bodies such as UEFA and FIFA. It is also a member of the (IFAB) International Football Association Board. As the national football governing body in Wales, one of the duties of FAW is to run all the international teams which include the ‘A’ team, Under 17, Under 19, Under 21, Women’s Under 19, Women’s Under 17, Women’s and the Semi-Professional teams. Another important duty of FAW is to deal with all disciplinary cases involving teams and players who are associated with the body. The purpose of this paper is to examine Advanced Football management practices in Wales (Penny, 2008).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Working Environment and Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Working Environment and Family - Essay Example The key issue that has been addressed in this book is the emergence of increase in number of working women, who have mostly young children. The relationship of working mothers in this hair-pulling environment to justify between workload and family responsibilities is the main area of discussion. Different types of social parameters have analyzed to get the gist of this social problem. Parameters includes the rate of poverty per family, low birth weight incidences, pregnancies in teen ages, abortions ratio, mortality rates particularly among young children and infants and the result of eight-graders particularly in mathematics and science. Why are private solutions inadequate to address the work/family needs of Americans Americans, both males and females are moving towards working environment. No matter multi national corporations, Non-governmental organizations, Food chains, departmental stores or any other. The imbalance has visibly seen among all the fields if, we closely observe the work/family needs of all Americans. This issue has not been identified or noticed by the employers. Mostly the solutions offered by most of the private companies are not pro-employee rather they are more focused towards productivity or company demands.